Be Kind and Adore Yourself

Would you be able to go one whole day without saying anything negative about yourself? Would you be able to look in the mirror and see all that is beautiful instead of the things you don’t like? Would you be able to eat your favourite food without worrying about calories or how it’s going to make you fat? Would you wear a dress that shows off your legs instead of covering yourself from head to toe, hiding your body?


(Image taken from queenbeefashionista4 on Instagram)

I challenge you to take this day and compliment yourself often. Wear something sexy and take yourself out for lunch. Listen to your favourite music and dance in your living room. Move your body and love your body. Soak in a tub filled with your favourite bubbles. Lather yourself in a scented body lotion. Treat yourself to a new hair cut. Go out and get your nails done or get a facial. Stop at the makeup counter of your local department store for a makeover.

Your body is the only one you’ll ever get and you have to spend your whole life with it. It doesn’t do you any good to abuse it. Treat it with kindness and adore yourself. It will make for a much happier life! You deserve nothing less!

Be Pretty, Plus and Proud and spend the rest of your days proving it!


(Image taken from queenbeefashinista4 on Instagram)

What will you do for your body to show love, kindness and adoration?

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