The Liebster Award Nomination!

WHAT?! Yes it’s true!!! Fellow blogger “MATT AND HIS CATS” has nominated me and my blog for the Liebster Award! Little newbie me! Thanks Matt! I’m deeply honored that you would choose me and so very grateful for your support as well as the support of so many wonderful bloggers who have chosen to follow me.

I’ve been asked to answer the following questions, nominate fellow bloggers and then state 10 facts about myself so here goes:

1. My favourite film and why?

My favourite film of all time is “The Sound of Music”. I watch every Christmas and never tire of it. I love the music, the acting but most of all its message of hope and triumph over great adversity; very inspiring!

2. Are you looking forward to the next five years and why?

Yes because I have great plans for this blog and my support group. I’m excited to see where this journey will take me.

3. Are you a cat person or a dog person? 

I used to be an avid cat person with two beautiful long hair tabby cats. Also grew up with a cat for a family pet. Then about 6 years ago my last cat died and my daughter asked for a dog. I relented and our shihpoo Maggie entered our lives. Now I’m a dog person. She’s brought so much joy to our little family and I wouldn’t trade her for anything!

4. What is your favourite book? 

That’s a hard one as I read a lot!! I guess if I had to choose it would be Jodi Picoult’s “My Sister’s Keeper”. I like the way her books talk about some hard moral questions and the end of her books are always very unexpected.

5. If you were dropped in any fictional world/place where would you love to go for a 7 day holiday? 

Okay, this is probably going to sound silly but I pick Cinderella after she meets the Prince. I’m not picking this because I need to be rescued by a prince (I can take care of myself and besides I’m already married to my prince). I pick it because let’s face it ladies, who wouldn’t want to live in a castle, wear fancy ball gowns and get waited on hand and foot. Superficial I know but it is just a fairytale, lol!

6. Are you a marathon person or watch it when its on person, when it comes to T.V.? 

Depending on the show. If it’s a current show I’ll watch it while it’s on but if it’s an older show that I may have missed then I may do a marathon. Just finished a two day marathon of a show on Netflix called “The Hundred”. Another one I’ll watch several shows in a row is “Dr. Who”. Currently on Season 7.

7. Is your relaxing environment chaotic or organized? 

Well, I’d like it to be more organized but alas it isn’t always so. A family home with a teenager, a dog and a wonderfully disorganized husband can’t possibly be anything but somewhat chaotic but I wouldn’t have it any other way!

8. Tea or coffee? 

Neither. I like an herbal tea at bed but that’s about it. My tongue burns easily!

9. If you had the option to legally choose whether or not to pay for music, would you pay? Would you pick and choose? 

I would choose to pay. The musicians work hard just like everyone doing a job and deserve to get paid.

10. Would you like to pick one aspect of your life and completely lose it? 

I had to think about that one for a minute. I don’t like having MS. I don’t like the limitations it has and continues to put on my life. However, it has taught me empathy, patience, kindness. It allowed me to be a stay at home mom that I wouldn’t have been able to afford to do as a healthy woman. So for all of those reasons I wouldn’t want to lose any aspects of my life; they have made me the person I am today.

So now for my nominations:

1. Prettify Your Life

2. Ordinary Adventures

3. Jennifer’s Little Beauty Place

4. Bee Beauty

5. Scale Simple

My questions for them are as follows:

1. What’s your favourite kind of music and why?

2. What type of food haven’t you tried but might like to and why?

3. What’s your favourite musical and why?

4. Name any place in the world you would like to live and why.

5. If you could own any car in the world what would it be?

6. Ice cream; chocolate or vanilla?

7. Weather; hot or cold?

8. What’s your dream job (other then blogging) that pays?

9. Favourite flower

10. What is your proudest achievement?

Now 10 facts about me:

1. I like the colour purple.

2. My first love was teaching young children.

3. I love books written for teenagers.

4. I’m allergic to tomatoes.

5. I love stars; in my home decorating, on my clothes, in the sky on a clear night.

6. I like country music.

8. I like to sing (not good at it but like it).

9. My favourite T.V. show is “Criminal Minds”.

10. I’m a young 49 years old!

I guess that wraps it up! Thanks again “Matt and His Cats”  for the nomination. Enjoy the blogs I’ve nominated. They’re all wonderful reads and worth your time for a look!

Wishing you some fun!

Hi, just a short and sweet message today wishing everyone a wonderful long weekend!

I hope you have wonderful, relaxing moments with those you love and hold dear! Or maybe you’re enjoying a quiet weekend of solitude!

Whatever you’re doing enjoy, treat yourself well, love yourself, be bold, be beautiful! Be Pretty, Plus and Proud!

Are you having fun with the girls?

Are you having fun with the girls?

Ena blog longweekend2

Are you spending time with your spouse and kids?

Are you cuddling a furbaby?

Are you cuddling a furbaby?

Maybe you are relaxing on a beach?

Maybe you are relaxing on a beach?

What are you doing this long weekend?