Be Happy

Image origin unknown.

There are so many reasons to be happy! There are so many experiences, adventures, people and moments that can rain down joy on our head. Today I am happy and grateful for this:

Notice the number of followers? I hit 1300! I know it’s not the numbers that count but the impact of what I post but it’s nice to see that so many people are liking what I do. This was one small moment among many the last few days that made me smile.

My husband and I had a lovely camping weekend away, enjoying the sun, being outside, meeting new people and eating the best ice cream! It’s always nice to get out with the trailer and explore. It definitely makes me happy!

Where did you find happy this weekend? Did you go out with friends? Did you enjoy time outside or did you get cozy inside with snacks and a good movie? Did you cuddle a pet or laugh with your kids? Did you dig in your garden or ride a bike? What made you smile? Did you see baby bunnies in your yard, birds at the feeder or feel the sun on your skin?

Sometimes we have to look for the reasons to be happy but they are there waiting for you to discover them. Be Pretty, Plus and Proud and never give up on finding all the beautiful reasons to be happy. You are worthy. You are deserving. You are enough. You have a right to be happy just like everyone else!

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