Another Monday!

Another Monday, another fresh start! New opportunities await us as we embark on a new week, a new journey. We are in charge of how this week unfolds. Positive thoughts bring forth positive results. Think happy. Think productive. Think results. Think self-love and self-care. Imagine all the possibilities waiting for you.

What can you do to make this an amazing week? Write down some goals, make a plan and make it happen. Connect with people even if you’re working from home or isolating alone. Schedule some zoom meetings to chat with friends and family. Have dinner together, do an activity together, laugh and motivate each other. Enjoying life takes a little extra effort during a pandemic but it can be done. Get outside for a stroll, bike ride, a nature hike, walk the dog, play with the kids, garden or make a snowman. We all need a break from screen time and fresh air is a good way to wake up the senses for young and old.

Eat well. Get enough rest. Schedule self-care time. Treat yourself. Some businesses are reopening where I live so some time at a nail salon is definitely in order for me soon! Get a haircut, buy yourself a little something special. Put some effort into getting ready for the day even if you’re not going anywhere. A shower, fresh clothes, some makeup and styling your hair can do wonders for your mood and frame of mind. When you feel better, you can do better. Clean and organize your space. Clean space equals clearer mind. Declutter and donate anything that doesn’t bring you joy.

Begin and end each day with a prayer of gratitude. You are blessed if you have a roof over your head, clothes on your back and food in your belly. Your home, no matter how small or big, is your mansion. Be proud of what you own and have accomplished. Be kind. Do all with love in your heart. Make mundane tasks joyful by remembering that there are people who wish they could do what you do. Don’t take your abilities or capabilities for granted.

Be Pretty, Plus and Proud and start each day with loving and positive affirmations to get your head and your mood in the right place to make the day awesome. If by chance, you have a rough day, remember that it’s only one day, one period of time that will pass. Don’t get stuck there. Get through as best you can and remember every day is a fresh start. Today, forever and always, you are amazing!

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